Just so you all know, this writing is just for my benefit of understanding my/our purpose..
Everything came to me IN THE MOMENT, throughout the whole day I constantly made notes to myself about random thoughts that came to my head. Welcome to my mind!
Imagine death!...
You just died in a car accident. You read a message from mom saying, "see you soon," on your phone, and then you look up and that SUV smashed his way into your lane.Unavoidable.
Earlier that day you started appreciating the people in your life more than ever before.
Friends, family, and enemies, like I said, I see all of us in the world as a system of souls, rotating around each other, just as planets rotate around the sun. When we're not together, we're on our own. We become a single variable to one larger system, the world, which keeps on spinning. When we get pulled back into each other's orbit, we realize something...*~
Today's Events
Even when driving in traffic I Am Pushing Humanity. I try to break free from the crowd to get enough space between traffic, where I feel comfortable.
I looked death in the face Today (Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2014), through my rearview mirror.
What I saw in the mirror was an SUV swerving between lanes on the highway. "Drunk? Pissed? Running? What was he thinking?" I thought to myself. My natural instinct was to speed up and get away from that crazed car as soon as possible. He ended up basically attempting to run another car off the road by driving in front of him and slowing down immediately.
Why? Perhaps the other car somehow fender-bender'd into his path? All I saw was this seemingly gigantic, grey SUV that was swerving between both lanes going a good 75mph, and literally driving off the shoulder of the road to get passed a seemingly innocent, red smaller SUV, who may have switched into the passing lane at a horrible time. To me it looked like he was freaking out trying to avoid the grey guy.
But my perspective could be totally wrong, it could have been the red SUV's fault for starting this gnarly commotion. The grey SUV could have been the clear minded man who got hit and was trying to pull over the red guy, to set things straight (exchange insurance info!). Didn't happen.
Who knows the truth?
At this point in time I sped up far enough to sneak in between two semi trucks that were cruising along the right shoulder of the road, going about 60mph. The grey SUV ended up getting passed the other drivers that were behind me. He didn't crash and burn, but he was still fueled with road rage. Going about 80mph, he grew closer to my position.
I was scared for my life, I thought, "Oh God, here it comes. This crazed lunatic is about to run my ass off the road!"
He drove (flew/cruised) right past my position, in-between two semi trucks, which basically guarded my life. There in that moment, in that position, I stayed until that SUV got as far away as possible. Until I felt safe again.
Then the meditating began.
Has anyone ever told you that sitting in a car alone is the best time to, collect your thoughts?
Because it is. That moment of moving through time and space is a very clear minded setting to be in.
I started thinking to myself,
"Life throws you off balance at times. It's up to you to find that inner balance again, that perfect place of comfort, where you feel no pressure.
Holy shit, if I was behind either of those giant SUV's, I would not be here right now. My life would have ended (snap)... just like that."
~*Appreciation (Thoughts, while driving)
"This point in time is beautiful! I'm blessed with these eyes I possess. My "relationship status" is single, but I've already loved and lost in past lives. Heaven will provide the best dimension I could ever imagine. That's how the universe works. One minute you're totally AWARE, the next "minute"..Gone
Everything you once knew, had, understood in this life,
"But, I've been writing recently (started idk, last week?), and I've come to so many realizations just from expressing my thoughts onto my computer keyboard. I have so much info to share with the world, and if I were to die, the world may never know life behind the eyes of Zach Welch. You would only know me as some seemingly chill, druggy kid" (my perspective of societies point of view towards me).
Then I realized, "if I were to die I would be reborn until my messages did spread.. No wait, actually nature would happen. I wouldn't be reborn, but We would be reborn. Until the messages naturally spread by the way of the world."
These "messages" I receive come from inside all of us. And Oh Boy, do I have a story to tell! I can see the messages that need to be shared with the world, you could too if you opened up that third eye!
Messages (from above)
~The term, "One love," from Mr. Marley is a real living thing. There is this magnificently beautiful energy that takes up all visible space (including space containing nothing more than hydrogen and oxygen as well as the space our bodies take up). This mysterious, not well-known (in the western hemisphere) form of energy is keeping us alive! Everybody breaths the same air, and we are all made up of the same brain projected, light and matter-filled, interconnectedness of energy you could call stardust.(Slow down, think about and interpret that last paragraph, make sense of it)
"I am he as you are he as you are me. And we are all together"- I am the Walrus- The Beatles
Listen to the messages as if someone with greater knowledge is teaching you something
~Don't Hate.
~People push people.
~Don't be ignorant.
Background Knowledge
I grew up going to school in Hamilton, MI, a small conservative town with a good sense of community, everybody knew each other. It was a working system. Hamilton had a stereotype for being ignorant to the outside world, no body needed to venture out past the boundaries of what they knew best. And that was fine, as long as everybody stayed connected, there were hardly any disputes because everybody was the same. Farm cultured, country living folks who kept to themselves.
But when someone from the community died,
holy shit,
felt affected.
Goes to show we are all a part of one large SYSTEM that interacts, and becomes affected by other parts of the system. One change, is all it takes to spark chain of events, affecting everyone in that community(system).
As beautiful of a farm land Hamilton is, and man it is beautiful, there's still always going to be death. No matter what the cause, whether you like it or not, everyone you now know, will one day... die.
The beautiful mother nature of Earth itself and all the glory it possess, will one day, die.
The sooner you come to grips with death, the sooner you can appreciate life, even more.
Hamilton didn't often take kindly to change. After the re-acurring death events, some kids pointed blames at "ignorant" truck drivers who did nothing but got up to do their job one day and ended up being the wall for a car to collide with. Other kids said it's just "ignorant" people in general who need to BE AWARE.
Change is slowly creeping up in Hamilton, it has no choice but to adapt to the changing ways of life in the outside world (the bigger system).
Once I graduated from Hamilton, I left, rarely to return ever again. I moved out of my parents house, moved into a rental house with a couple bros, who were ready to experience the outside world. The outside world was the city of Grand Rapids (I know, only 45 minutes away from"home")! Let me tell you, city life is far different than the laid back country lifestyle. Talk about population increase, racial/ cultural/ ethnic/ diversity was through the roof. In hamilton it was rare to see someone not wearing a flannel shirt with jeans and have a red farmers tan on their neck. Not Grand Rapids! Regardless there was still the "West MI conservative (I'm better than you) mentality" That's still here, but just the population and diversity alone shows that there is more to life than what I thought previously, living in a sheltered community.
I grew up, and started to see more beauty in the world. Of course we partied, we were fresh college students experiencing freedom for the first time. Responsibility? I had very little idea what that meant. Until, oh shit, it's "crunch time" isn't it? The first semester is reaching an end, and my grades are C's at best. It's either time to bust some ass and hit the books, or turn and run from the change, run back to Hamilton where I understood the way of life. I wasn't sure if it was going to be possible for me to pass Algebra, Government, English, and Communications. With only a couple weeks to prepare for finals, I wrote 2 research papers, 10 and 6 pages, I learned as much about our governmental system as there is to know, and I even understood the chapters of algebra that we went over (in high school), basic algebra, which in test form looks like a foreign language.
Look at me now. I passed all four classes. I had a choice to buckle down and make something happen, make something better of myself, and I did it! The dream I have of pursuing Recording Technology as a degree path lives on. The dream didn't die. I didn't give in to the fear of change, but I embraced it and used it to my advantage, as a motivator to see what I am capable of becoming.
This point in life, is great. High school is a mere allusion. What was, will never be again. Everything is temporary. This moment now, in-between college semesters, around the holidays, makes you become insanely thankful for all the close people in your life, more than ever before. High school was a place for you to find and only care for yourself. College is a place to discover what else life has to offer and what else you have to offer. If you feel comfortable pursuing a stable, balanced position type job you love your whole life, then that's great. Do what makes you happy. But the 40hr/week job was never going to be enough for me. I have too much passion for music that I need to expand my horizons, and see what else the world has to offer.
"Society" in my eyes
~I'm Alive! Say it, "I AM ALIVE!" This life is a gift. I see more beauty in life than ever before. I see beauty in you. I love you! "I could die for you"-(RHCP). There's no better feeling than experiencing emotions. If you can look at the glass half full, you could see the bright side of life.
Now some honest truth that just bothers me in a way, is the fact that I grew up on a dirt road: Old Allegan Rd. As my father told me, this road was once an old Native American Trail. I can respect that because I love the spirit of Natives and I believe I have a small portion of some tribe background in my family, I couldn't tell you the name. Anyway, that road which carried a cool history background was paved by some white man with with money and a plan. I say white as if color is an issue in today's society, well guess what, it is. I see it, riots on the news, people arguing back and forth over skin color and people with power, abusing it.
The fact that in today's world, we can't look past our differences disgusts me. There's so much in this life to be thankful for, and people are just ill-informed and blind to the truth because people with power will do anything to keep their power. Including keeping the poor down. It's time for a change in the world. Equality is the goal, if at all possible. All I can do is share with you my point of view so you can see the same beauty I see. I know most people have their own realities perfectly figured out, but I'm telling you not everyone is given the same opportunity as you or me. The "rich" mentality literally takes over the mind, poisons the mind from feeling empathy.
If you are a judgmental person who reads with a critical eye, I'll have you know I typed this in the course of one whole day. I had no intentions to try and say I'm right and you're wrong to prove a point. No way, this writing was literally just thoughts throughout my day that I wrote down whenever something funny, serious, or eye-opening popped up. It turned out that I was really close to death, so I just suddenly became super aware of how thankful I am to be making my dream a reality. Surrounding myself with exactly the right people and being able to provide for myself has been eye-opening.
I was literally sitting in a car shop getting my tires changed right after the highway incident and I couldn't stop typing my thoughts. It's a great way to remember everything you gather from the universe throughout the day. I was able to see so much beauty in the world because some ill-informed (dumbass) was scary close to colliding with my path, luckily I lived, to share my experience, my perspective, and my thoughts with the world. Death can be the worst pain to experience or it could be the most beautiful emotion to embrace. That feeling of the longing for a truly loved one... RARE... TEMPORARY!
I also just want to say, when driving please try to be aware of this bigger system you are a part of. We are so dependent on each other without even realizing it. Until everything we once had is gone, learn to love and listen to music, free your soul. Be aware of right now. That's all you've got. The best way for people to realize that is by listening to stories behind music, passion, seeing what people strive for in life. That's how messages get passed down.. And I have stories to tell, I better start writing!....
ziggysparx- more to come
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